My name is reign@tamaki in room 7
I am telling my story to you if you're reading this.
Room 7 & 8. Miss ashley told room 7 to go into next door to 8.
We were lining up to go outside on the field. We all got one minute to get a stick so we could dip the stick into the paint. We need the stick and the paint for our paper. With our paper we dipped the stick into the paint and we whip it around in the air so we can get paint on our paper. A guy called Jackson Pollock made a painting that is the 5th most expensive painting in the world to be made. The colours i used was maroon red, yellow like the sun, green like the trees and grass, blue as the sky and water, white like the clouds, brown like the sticks and stems and black like space and birds.
I was splatting on the paper with paint and I was splashing it around the paper. I was drizzling and dripping on the paper, I felt insane. It was incredible and I had the most fun with paint in my life.
When we got back to class, we put our paintings on a desk in room 8 and Miss Ashley was taking photos and putting it on everyone’s Drive on their netbooks. Everyone had fun and they enjoyed it and I want to do it again so then we all get tokens.
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